Dental Care

What causes cavities?

What causes cavities?

“Dental cavities, or caries are tiny holes within the surface of the teeth. They’re caused by bacteria on the surface of teeth creating acid out of sugar. The foremost common culprit may be a bacterium referred to as Streptococcus mutans.” Says Dr. Urvi Shah who is working with one of the best dental clinic in What causes cavities?

Dentist Munich

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal is a treatment to repair damaged infected tooth instead of extracting it. The root canal treatment procedure, also known as endodontic treatment involves the removal of infected or inflamed pulp wherein the pulp chamber and root canal are completely cleaned out to protect that area from future damage. Root Canal Treatment • Root Root Canal Treatment

A Beginners Guide To Veneers Procedure

A Beginners Guide To Veneers Procedure

The appearance of a person is determined by various aspects of its face. It includes teeth as well, but it gets frequently damaged due to its pivotal position. A human tooth in its lifetime experiences various issues such as discolouration, broken, chipped, and decays. Besides inflicting oral health concerns, it also imposes aesthetic deterioration, thus A Beginners Guide To Veneers Procedure