Human back is a very complex structure of muscles, ligaments, tendons, disks, and bones, which help the human body to support the legs and upper part till the brains and enables it to move around. The segments of the human back consists of a spinal cord that is cushioned with cartilage-like pads called disks. If any of these complex components face issues in performance or injury, it can lead to back pain. Most of the back pains don’t last longer and go away when we give it rest. However In some cases of back pain, its cause remains unclear.
It is scientifically proven and even mentioned by the expert that paying attention to posture can not only make you feel better but also look good. Poor posture, on the other hand, leads to back pain and may affect the position and function of your abdominal organs, inhibit breathing and oxygen intake, headaches and even affect mood.
All of us get back pain at some point in our lives. Back pain can be due to multiple reasons like a sports-related injury, an accident, or a congenital condition such as scoliosis. Generic pains in the upper or lower back develop during the course of day-to-day life. Long desk working hours or regular lifting of heavy products produces tension and muscle tightness that result in a backache. Maintaining a balanced life with a healthy diet and proper exercise can help you get rid of such back pains. Paying attention to your posture is one simple strategy that can help you a long way..
Most of the back pain complaints occur due to following everyday activities which leads to poor posture.
Examples include:
Applying simple tips in every activity can help improve your posture and reduce back pain.